Massachusetts College of Art and Design is redesigning and re-implementing its flagship website, One of the components that the college is considering re-implementing is the web-based faculty and staff directory. I authored some wireframes to communicate to our design firm how we want the new directory to function.
Visual Documentation

The new directory allows users to browse based upon a name or department. Here is the alphabetical listing.

When no search results are found, users see this message.

This is the detail of a selected person.

Here is the listing of departments, in alphabetical order.

Here is the listing of people in a department.

This is the detail of a selected person.

This is the search interface with all of the menus expanded. Note that switching the backend from SQL to LDAP allows us to do magical things like search for a name that “sound like” the search term.

The search results, with highlighted matches.

Autofill functionality.

This is the detail of a selected person.